Henrietta studied Equine Acupressure with Tallgrass Acupressure Institute and was certified by the National Board for Certification in Animal Acupressure and Massage (NBCAAM) in 2014. Before studying acupressure, Henrietta's background was rooted in Western science. She has a Ph.D. in geophysics, and was an educator for twenty-five years.
She has been fortunate to have lived with and cared for horses all her life. Her fondest early memories include riding with her father almost every morning before school. A formative influence on Henrietta's horsemanship was an Austrian friend of the family who had ridden with the Spanish Riding School under Alois Podhajsky. When Henrietta was in her mid-twenties, she imported a Dutch Warmblood, Kubla Khan, from The Netherlands. A huge dapple-grey, he was her dream come true for twenty six years. In working with Kubla, Henrietta trained with several talented practitioners of Natural Horsemanship, including Wendy Murdoch, Emily Kitching, and Don Thompson. Additionally, in 2008 she and Kubla participated in a multi-day Epona clinic and workshop entitled "Invisible Horsemanship".
Henrietta is a breast cancer survivor since 1999, and has experienced the power of healing energy in her own journey to wellness. To everything she does, whether teaching, riding, acupressure or painting, she brings her core values of empathy, lifelong-learning and love. She shares her life's journey with her husband, Gary, who is a nurse practitioner and teacher. They live on a small farm near Portland, Oregon, which they enjoy with their three horses, two goats, two dogs, three cats, and several chickens.
Please feel welcome to visit Henrietta's art studio website: Wellspring Art (If you are using a mobile device, this link probably will not display correctly. Just copy and paste, or type: wellspringart.com into your browser to go directly to the site, where the display should adapt for mobile devices.)
This was April 26, 1986, the day Kubla Khan arrived from The Netherlands and Henrietta's life changed forever.